
Type 8403 BK Connect Data Processing
BK Connect Data Processing Type 8403 focuses on the operator’s and test engineer’s role, knowing that their use of the data acquisition and analysis software differs from the sound and vibration (S&V) specialist. Operators require the ability to quickly and easily load recorded data for post-processing or perform real-time analysis using pre-defined process chains and generate reports using the built-in user-definable automation.
The application provides an overview of a graphical process chain set up by an S&V specialist (using the Type 8404 specialist license). The process chain includes individual elements for filtering, spectral analysis, display and storage of results. When used in conjunction with the monitoring capabilities of BK Connect Hardware Setup Type 8401, the BK Connect Data Processing application allows operators to work efficiently and confidently.
- Repetitive benchmarking tests with a standard report
- Recording and basic analysis using pre-defined analysis templates as defined by the S&V Specialist
- In situ measurements for vibration troubleshooting and fault diagnostics of rotating machinery such as gearboxes and bearings
- Narrow-band analysis of acoustic signals such as at the operator’s ear in a vehicle
- Multiple, different parallel analyses on the same data; for example, analysing vibration data at a different bandwidth to acoustic data, using a variety of filters
- Automated processing
To maximize productivity, BK Connect enables batch processing of sequenced or parallel analysis of multiple sets of imported data. Time data can also be automatically imported from a network drive, and you even have the option of automatic reporting. - User roles
The BK Connect interface and product structure were designed (from concept to complete) with the users’ roles as a central focus. BK Connect distinguishes between the S&V specialist role and the operator/test engineer as these groups use the software differently. The specialist designs measurements and analyses so that an operator, or operators, can produce consistent results based on their own internal processes. This can often be done with a single click and easy-to-use interfaces from acquisition to report, for repetitive tasks that have been saved as templates.
- Acoustic weighting, human vibration weighting, integration/differentiation, frequency filters, Head and Torso Simulator (HATS) equalizer, resampling of time data and gate elements
- FFT signal processing, overall level and vs time along with 1/3rd octave synthesis from your narrow band calculations
- Frequency response and Phase Assign Spectrum calculations as a natural first step to Modal analysis or Operational Deflection Shape Analysis
- Stationary and non-stationary tests
Requires BK Connect Data Viewer Type 8400. For real-time analysis BK Connect Hardware Setup Type 8401 is required as well.