
Type 7884 Product-Noise Software For Reverberation Rooms
This PULSE software determines the noise levels of products by measuring their sound emissions in a reverberation room using multiple microphone positions. The sound power is determined from sound pressure measurements. In some tests, multiple source positions have to be measured at multiple microphone positions. In others, a single rotating microphone is used. Measurements in an echo chamber are a good choice for quieter products, for precision-grade tests on comparatively small machines and when the sound emitted is predominantly steady.
- Official declaration of the sound power emitted under defined conditions
- Developing quieter products
- Determining product compliance with noise specifications for legislation or voluntary awards such as Germany’s Blue Angel
- Comparing noise emissions of equipment for benchmarking
The software helps users make acoustic measurements in ordinary, unfurnished rooms (without special acoustical treatment) that comply with the requirements of the standard ISO 3743-1. It also covers measurements in laboratory-grade reverberation rooms, for standards ISO 3741, and ISO 3743-2.
To correct for the influence of the test environment, multiple measurements may have to be made with the reference sound source at several positions. Another possibility is that the reverberation time can be measured and stored in the measurement project.
- Engineering grade measurements in ordinary, hard-walled test rooms as described in ISO 3743-1
- Laboratory grade measurements in reverberation rooms described in ISO 3741
- Measurements in imperfect reverberation rooms described ISO 3743-2
- A-weighted sound power levels of a series of small noise sources described in ISO 3743-2
This PULSE software is an application template designed for easy determination of sound power using sound intensity. Users need minimal training, which makes it easy to use the system alone. A dedicated user interface for each ISO standard has a clear task list that leads you through all the necessary steps to fulfil the requirements.
Features, such as pop-up text and colour coding give quick updates on measurement status, and the software displays clear warnings if information is missing or does not follow the requirements. Based on the results, actions are suggested to attain the desired grade of accuracy.
The main tasks of setup, measure and export are arranged in logical sub-tasks, for example, hardware setup, measurement setup, calibration before measurement, calibration after and results.
In addition, the operator can check the health and readiness of all channels simultaneously with one click, using charge injection calibration (CIC).