Sound Sources
Type 4295 Lightweight Omnidirectional Loudspeaker – Omnisource Loudspeaker
The patented principle of the OmniSource uses a single high-power loudspeaker, radiating through a conical coupler to a circular orifice. The size of the orifice and the shape of the OmniSource have been carefully engineered to radiate sound evenly in all directions.
It fulfils the national and international standards for omnidirectional sound sources. Despite its compact dimensions and low weight, the OmniSource is still capable of emitting a sound power of 105 dB re 1 pW.
For proper room acoustics measurements, a sound source which fulfils the relevant standards (for example, ISO 3382) is required. Brüel & Kjær offers a complete range of sound sources for room acoustics measurements, including the single-speaker omnidirectional OmniSource™ Type 4295 and dodecahedral omnidirectional OmniPower™ Type 4292 Light.
Power Amplifier Type 2734 can drive both OmniPower and OmniSource. Optional carrying cases for the sound sources are available, as well as wireless control systems for use with sound level meter Types 2250 and 2270.