LAN-XI Sound & Vibration DAQ

Type 3161 1 Channel Input + 1 Channel Output Module, 204.8 kHz

Type 3161 1 Channel Input + 1 Channel Output Module, 204.8 kHz

LAN-XI Module Type 3161 is specifically designed for high-frequency applications such as transducer calibration and underwater defence applications.

The module offers a combination of one input channel and one generator output channel. Both input and output channels have a frequency range of DC to 204.8 kHz.


  • High-frequency sound and vibration measurements
  • Underwater acoustics applications
  • High-energy impact measurements
  • High-frequency generator output channel for system excitation and transducer calibration
  • Measurement frontend module for PULSE measurement and analysis software
  • Frontend for PC-based Data Recorder Type 7708
  • Single-module measurements
  • Multi-module measurement/distributed system
  • Stand-alone recording (no PC) using LAN-XI Notar

The combination of input connectors – Direct/CCLD, 200 V and Charge – on the front panel (UA-2117-011) allows connection to virtually any microphone and accelerometer, including direct connectivity to Hydrophones Type 8103, 8104, 8105 and 8106.

The unique Dyn-X feature eliminates the need for input ranging and avoids overloads in when measuring high-energy impacts.

The generator output extends to 204.8 kHz, which eliminates the need for an external frequency doubler in transducer calibration applications.

An input signal monitor output is available on a BNC connector, which allows the input signal to be fed to separate system in parallel with PULSE, for instance a second recorder or analysis system.


Input channels: 1

Output channels: 1

Frequency range: 0 – 204.8 kHz

Dyn-X: Yes

Direct V: Yes


200V mic.: Yes

Charge: Yes

Bridge: No

LF Aux: No

High speed tacho: No