LAN-XI Sound & Vibration DAQ

Type 3057 3 Ch. Input Bridge Module 102.4 kHz
This LAN-XI module Type 3057 is specifically aimed at high-frequency applications with bridge type transducers.
Bridge module Type 3057-B-030 is a three-channel 102.4 kHz LAN-XI module intended primarily for dynamic bridge measurements using PULSE Reflex™, piezoresistive and variable-capacitance accelerometors and pressure sensors.
- High-frequency sound and vibration measurements
- High-energy impact measurements
- Shock testing and Pyroshock testing (satellites and launchers)
- Vibration testing (blade resonances in gas turbines)
- Pressure testing (wind tunnel or gas turbines, flight test)
- Sound pressure testing (wind tunnel, with microphones or pressure sensors)
- Strain gauge measurements
- Measurement front-end module for PULSE Reflex
- Single-module measurements
- Multi-module measurement/distributed system
The module also supports strain gauges, full, half and quarter bridge, as well as strain-gauge based transducers such as force, pressure and torque sensors. Direct input and CCLD transducers are also supported.
The unique Dyn-X feature eliminates the need for input ranging and avoids overloads when measuring high-energy impacts.
The LAN-XI bridge module is aimed primarily at dynamic measurements in the aerospace and defence market with typical measurement scenarios, including shock testing, pyroshock testing, vibration testing, pressure testing and sound pressure testing. However, bridge transducers are used in most industries and for many applications. For instance, in the Automotive NVH industry bridge transducers are typically used to measure brake pedal force, brake caliper pressure, etc.
The versatility of Type 3057-B-030 to support virtually any type of transducer makes it the ideal module for customers who want one module to cover a wide range of measurement tasks.
Input channels: 3
Frequency range: 0 – 102.4 kHz
Dyn-X: Yes
Direct V: Yes
200V mic.: No
Charge: No
Bridge: Yes
LF Aux: No
High speed tacho: No