Control Valves

Series 9000 Extended Bonnet
The Series 9000 control valve is an ANSI Class 300 globe style valve with bolted bonnet and post guided innervalve. The body, bonnet and innervalve are standard in 316SST or optional Alloy C. The standard body, configured in the Flangeless/NPT version, can be installed using NPT fittings or clamped between matching companion flanges. Each size valve is also available with conventional flanges in either the same nominal size as the valve body or oversized flanges that can be adapted to smaller bodies.
* Designed to ANSI and ISA standards
* Dual body mounting (NPT/Flangeless)
* Wide range of innervalves
* Linear, Equal Percent or On-Off
* ANSI Class IV seat leak standard
* Encapsulated body gasket
* MoS2 filled nylon stem bushings
* No brass or asbestos
* Epoxy coated steel parts
* Adjustable spring loading
* Replaceable seats (reduced Cv innervalves only)