
Perception – HPHV Automated Analysis option
The testing of HV and MV switchgear devices requires advanced and automated analysis capabilities to generate reproducible and accurate test results. The operator’s interaction at this stage of the signal evaluation should be minimal. Real world signals may be distorted, carry noise or spikes, but they still have to be evaluated appropriately and in an automated manner.
SW Conformity
The “PERCEPTION HPHV automated analysis” (High Power/High Voltage) uses the Perception STL Analysis option, which’s calculations are designed and implemented
according to the STL technical report “Harmonisation of data processing methods for High Power Laboratories, September 2004”.
The “PERCEPTION HPHV automated analysis” combines the STL algorithms with built-in intelligence to take decisions which results in an automated signal evaluation. Internally taken decisions are reported to the operator in a status output. The user has control over the type of test and the number of phases. The required input signals are requested depending on the operator’s choice and the assigned channels are remembered going forward.