Load Shackles

ISHK-B Bow Type Crosby™ Cabled Load Shackle
The Interface range of ISHK-B load shackles are designed for lifting and weighing in rugged or harsh environments, including submersible applications. The shackle pins manufactured to an exacting specification and are machined from high tensile stainless steel to 6.5te and forged from high tensile carbon steel from 9.5te. The basic shackle uses the Crosby G2130 (1 to 25 MT / 2205 to 55.1K lbf), G2140 (40 to 120 MT / 88.2K to 265K lbf) and GN Rope H10 (150 to 1K MT / 331K to 2205K lbf).
This range of loads cells are proof loaded to 150% of the normal rated load, and are available in a range from 1 to 1K MT (2205 to 2205K lbf). The integral cable is normally protected by the anti-rotation bracket or by a separate protective plate. The ISHK-B is internally gaged and the whole instrumented area is sealed to IP67 to protect it in service.
They are simple to install and are available in standard shackle sizes. As an option, a rotating bobbin can be supplied to centralize the load and to minimize any point load effects when the shackle is placed under load. We are also always happy to discuss any special requirements that can be accommodated.
The ISHK-B series can be supplied on its own or combined with our extensive range of instrumentation to provide a complete load monitoring package. A wireless version is also available (see WTSSHK-B for details).
- Ranges from 1 to 1K MT (2.2K to 2205K lbf)
- High tensile stainless steel construction (to 6.5 MT / 14.3K lbf) and high tensile carbon steel construction (9.5 MT / 20.9K lbf and above)
- Environmentally sealed to IP67
- Simple installation and operation
- Shackle and pin fully certified
• Under-hook hoist/crane weighing
• Cable tension monitoring
• Towing/mooring tension
• Crane safe load monitoring
• Special ranges and capacities up to 2K MT (4409K lbf)
• Special electrical connections
• Integral signal conditioning
• Centralizing load bobbin
• Subsea, offshore and ROV friendly versions
• TEDS option
• Wireless version available
• 3.2 material certification
• Submersible
• Amplified output
• ATEX version available