
BZ-5941 Wind Turbine Moving Source Beamforming
This PULSE software locates noise sources on moving wind turbine blades, using a large array of microphones laid out on the ground. The resulting noise maps can be overlaid on images of the turbine, for easy relation of sound to its sources. The maps show sound as colours emanating from the turbine’s blades or rotor, with the strength and directivity clearly represented by differently coloured contour rings. These acoustic maps allow viewers to clearly see sound sources, their strength and directivity, and to distinguish between noise coming from the leading and trailing edges of blades.
- Troubleshooting operational wind turbines
- Wind turbine prototype development
- Operational wind turbine noise level analysis
- Presentation and communication of sound characteristics
The modular microphone array is designed for easy transport and deployment, and is smaller than the actual turbine. Once ready, operators can make a quick map of the turbine’s overall noise without blade tracking, to get a rapid overview of the sound radiation. For greater detail, the operator enables blade tracking by connecting one channel of the data acquisition system to the wind turbine, from which it receives a signal that indicates the blades’ positions.
To further improve the accuracy of the measurements, the user can define the wind turbine blade’s surface. This incorporates parameters from the wind turbine’s geometry.
- Represents data using graphs, contour plots and AVI files
- Component pressure contribution analysis, sound intensity maps and sound power determination
- Linear and A-weighted sound maps
- Mapping of sound pressure, sound intensity, loudness and other sound field parameters as a function of time
PULSE Array Acoustics Wind Turbines Moving Source Beamforming BZ-5941 is an optional addition to PULSE Array Acoustics Beamforming Type 8608.
The refined beamforming option PULSE Array Acoustics Refined Beamforming Calculations BZ-5639 can improve the resolution by a factor of up to five.