Pressure Transducers

AST43LP Non-Incendive Low Pressure Transmitter
The AST43LP is a low pressure Class I Division 2 stainless steel pressure transmitter / pressure transducer for use in hazardous areas. In addition to its rugged construction and the best price-to-performance ratio in the industry, the AST43LP is the solution for low pressure measurement for a variety of applications. The AST43LP is also now available with CSA Single Seal Approval.
– Class I Division 2 Non-Incendive Groups A, B, C, D
– ATEX / IECEx: Ex nA IIC T4 Gc (Ta = -40°C to 85°C) for conduit electrical connections
– ANSI 12.27.01 Single Seal
– ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) Approved
– High Strength Stainless Steel Construction with all 316L
– Wide Operating Temperature
– From 0-1 to 0-15 PSI
– Low Static and Thermal Errors
– Unparalleled Price and Performance
– Compatible with Various Liquids and Gases
– EMI/RFI Protection
– Bi-directional ranges available
Applications / Industries
Industrial OEM Equipment
– Oil & Gas Equipment
– Pressure Instrumentation
– Process Control
– Gas Compression & Storage
– Test Stands
– Vapor Recovery
Performance @ 25°C (77°F)
Accuracy1<±0.25% BFSL
(<±0.5% BFSL for 0-1 PSI)
Stability (1 Year)±0.25%FS, typ
Proof Pressure2X Rated Pressure
Burst Pressure5X Rated Pressure
Pressure Cycles>10 Million
1 Accuracy includes: Non-linearity, Hysteresis and Non-repeatability
Environmental Data
Operating-40 to 80°C (-40 to 176°F)
Storage-40 to 125°C (-40 to 250°F)
Thermal Limits
Compensated Range0 to 70°C (32 to 158°F)
TC Zero<±1.5% of FS (<±2.5%, typ. for 1PSI)
TC Span<±1.5% of FS(<±2.5%, typ. for 1PSI)
ShockEN 60068-2-27
VibrationEN 60068-2-6, 60068-2-64,
and IEC 68-2-32
EMI/RFI ProtectionYes
Electrical Data
Output Signal4-20mA 1-5VDC, 1-6VDC 0.5-4.5V ratiometric
Excitation10-28VDC 10-28VDC 5VDC Regulated
Output Impedance>10k Ohms <100 Ohms, Nominal <100 Ohms, Nominal
Current Consumption20mA, typical 5mA, typical <10mA
Bandwidth(-3dB): DC to 250 Hz (-3dB): DC to 1kHz (-3dB): DC to 1kHz
Output Noise – <2mV RMS <2mV RMS
Zero Offset<±1% of FS <±1% of FS <±1% of FS
Span Tolerance<±2% of FS <±1.5% of FS <±1.5% of FS
Output Load0-800 Ohms@
10-28VDC 10k Ohms, Min. 10K Ohms, Min.
Reverse PolarityYes Yes Yes