Display & Panel Meters

9840 Calibration Grade Multi-Channel Load Cell Indicator
Model 9840 is suitable for use in calibration labs, field service, or anywhere high accuracy is important. This product’s features include a bipolar 6-digit 2-line display, remote sense, low noise, 24-bit internal resolution, USB port with RS232 communication, mV/V calibration, store calibrations for up to 25 sensors. 6-point linearization, unit conversion and front-panel tare. This unit also has Self-calibration via TEDS Plug and Play ready IEEE 1451.4 compliance.
- 1 or 2 Channel
- Remote sense excitation
- 5 and 6 point linearization
- Bipolar
- 999,999 display counts
- Nonlinearity < 0.005%
- Auto setup for multiple load cells
- Fast, direct analog output
- 10 VDC scalable analog output – 16 bit
- Full duplex RS232C communication