Display & Panel Meters

9325 Hand Held Digital Indicator
Portable, Digital, Hand Held, Battery & USB Powered, TEDS Ready
The 9325 allows simple display of strain bridge based measurements such as load cells, torque transducers, and other mV/V output transducers with sensitivity up to +/-1 V/V.
Up to six calibration ranges are available allowing for different loading modes (tension and compression) or different sensors. Each calibration range will remember settings that contribute to the user experience such as selected units and tare values.
TEDS devices using templates 33, 40 and 41 can be connected and will update the viewed calibration. The last twenty TEDS devices connected will be remembered and recognized when connected again reverting to the last user experience settings for that device. TEDS can be disabled and the internal calibration ranges become available again.
There are also up to six display modes available. These determine what is visible on the LCD display and what actions are available from the set of three soft keys.
Full configuration is available with a PC based toolkit. Some simple configuration such as two point calibration is available from the handheld using the menu system.
- Superior Linearity Performance Specifications
- Measurement Rate up to 2400 Samples per Second
- High Internal Resolution (up to 500,000 counts)
- IP67 Environmentally Protected Enclosure
- Battery Powered (Long Battery Life)
- 128 x 64 Graphical Display with Backlight
- Multiple Display Modes (Peak/Valley, Delta, Live, Gross and Net)
- Logging and Graphing to PC (Software is Included)
- Supports TEDS Template 33, 40 and 41
- Live Calibration and Multi-point Calibration
- Standard Audio Alarm