Condition Monitoring Systems

766 Permanent
The Beran 766 System is a 19″ rack-mount unit providing a modular acquisition/analysis system for condition monitoring of rotating plant.
With up to 64 channels (depending on configuration), dynamic signals from acceleration, velocity, proximity and pressure sensors are always acquired in parallel from each plant item monitored. This ensures high-speed condition information can be acquired during both steady-state and variable speed modes – vital for accurate diagnosis of many fault conditions.
Process (DC) parameters may be acquired directly by each Beran unit using either voltage or optional 4-20mA and thermocouple signals with full galvanic isolation capability. Alternatively, a connection to the plant DCS or process computer may be utilised to acquire these parameters via an electronic data link, including (but not limited to) MODBUS and PI.
Real-time Displays: FFT, Time Domain, Histogram, Text (Dynamic Channels), Text (Static DC) & Orbits
Historic Graphic Displays: Bode Plots, Polar Plots, 3D Polar Plots, Waterfall, Trend & Orbits
Dynamic Channels: 2 to 32 in multiples of 2 (up to 64 with slave unit)
Input Type: Acceleration, Velocity, Displacement, Non-Vibration
Tacho: 1, 2, 3 or 4
Static (DC): 0, 16, 32, 48 (multiplexed)
Digital Inputs: 0 or 8 (TTL)
Configuration: 4 Normally Open, 4 Normally Closed
Measurement Functions
– 4 Orders (Order 1 and 3 further, user-selectable, to order 16)
– Overall level
– Sub-synchronous level
– Maximum sub-synchronous frequency
– Intraharmonic level
– Non-synchronous level
– Gap (displacement input only)
Acquisition Control
– Run-up and run-down (coast down)
– On-line
– Barring (turning gear)
– Level Alarms
– Step Alarms
– Ellipse Alarms
– Vector Alarms
– Alarm Outputs (Type – voltage free)