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TE 52F Accelerometer
The TE Connectivity model 52F Accelerometer has recently been upgraded to incorporate the most advanced piezoresistive MEMS sensor on the market. The accelerometer features the next generation of the reliable TE Connectivity piezoresistive chip with superior stability and measurement accuracy.
The model 52F accelerometer is available in ranges from ±50g to ±6000g and features a full-bridge configuration with a nominal 4000Ω impedance that offers quick warm-up time and
minimal drift, unlike lower impedance designs on the market. The accelerometer is packaged in a low-profile Aluminum housing with a shielded low-noise cable specifically designed ideal for tight and
challenging installations. The model 52F has an ideal amount of internal gas damping which provides outstanding shock survivability and a flat amplitude and phase response up to 8000Hz.
The model 52F accelerometer is fully encapsulated in Stycast for IP66 protection over the full operating temperature range of -40°C to +90°C.
- Weight <1.0 grams
- Linearity <1%
- 10,000g Shock Protection
- 2-10Vdc Excitation
- IP66 Environmentally Sealed
- Optimum Gas Damping
- Low Noise, Durable Cable
- Crush Zone Testing
- Side Impact Testing
- Auto Safety Testing Applications
- Biomechanical Studies
- Transient Drop Testing
- Helmet Impact Testing