Microphone Cartridges

4176 1/2″ Free-Field Microphone
Type 4176 is a prepolarized ½” Free-field Microphone designed for accurate and reliable sound measurements, as required for sound level meters in accordance with IEC 61672 class 1 and ANSI S 1.4 Type 1.
- Sound measurements to IEC 61672, and ANSI S 1.4-1983
- As a sound level meter microphone
The sensitivity of Type 4176 can be calibrated at 250 Hz using Pistonphone Type 4228 with Adaptor DP 0776, or at 1 kHz using Sound Level Calibrator Type 4231. Calibration in an extended frequency range is possible using Multifunction Acoustic Calibrator Type 4226.
Capacitance: 12.5 pF
Diameter: 1/2
Dynamic range: 14 – 142 dB
Frequency range: 6.5 – 12500 Hz
Inherent noise: 13.5 dB A
Lower limiting frequency -3dB: 5 Hz
Optimised: Free field
Polarization: Prepolarized
Polarization voltages: 0 V
Pressure coefficient: -0.02 dB/kPa
Sensitivity: 50 mV/Pa
Temperature coefficient: -0.004 db/ºC
Temperature range: -30 – 100 C
Venting: Rear
Weight: gram
Sound field: Free-field
Input type: Classic
Microphone type: Free field