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TE 4203 Triaxial Motorsports Accelerometer

TE 4203 Triaxial Motorsports Accelerometer

The Model 4203 is a triaxial motorsport accelerometer designed for harsh installations. The rugged, gas damped accelerometer is ideally tailored for motorsport applications and road vehicle testing. The model 4203 features an 8-pole low-pass filter to ensure no high frequency engine noise will leak into the passband. A heavy-duty shielded cable and an EMI/RFI module protects the accelerometer
from the harsh operating environment. Available in ranges from ±6g to ±50g, the model 4203 will provide reliable measurements from -40°C to +125°C.


  • 8-16 Vdc Excitation
  • Ranges up to ±50 g’s full scale
  • Measures static & dynamic acceleration
  • Over shock protection to ±5,000 g’s
  • Operating range from -40 to +125°C
  • Built-in 8-pole low-pass filter
  • EMI/RFI protection