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ZZZ – GN410 Bridge ISO 200 kSs Input Card
OBSOLETE PRODUCT – page for information and support purposes only.
The Bridge ISO 200 kS/s Input Card supports
quarter, half and full bridges with constant
voltage or constant current excitation. In basic sensor mode string pots, PT100 and other
voltage or current excited sensors can be used.
Built-in shunts offer the possibility of positive or negative shunting of the Wheatstone bridge. For quarter bridge support the card has a 350 ? built-in resistor. For other strain gauges like 120 ?, the user bridge completion card offers an user adaptable solution. To lower partial discharges within the cable used, a common mode driven guard is available.
The card provides four channels of isolated
balanced differential inputs from ± 2 mV to
± 10 V full scale with auto-zero capability.
Every channel is equipped with an independent full range input amplifier, 7-pole Bessel and Butterworth anti-alias filter, 16-bit Analog-to-Digital converter and several selections of digital filtering. Each channel also features two set-points for trigger or alarm purposes. Extensive acquisition and trigger modes allow many different ways to capture valuable data even at the highest sample rates. All channels are synchronously sampled at full speed without multiplexing and almost immeasurable crosstalk.
Special features:
– Quarter/Half/Full bridge support
– Strain gauge bridge sensors
– Positive and negative shunt calibration
– Voltage or current excitation
– 4 analog channels
– Up to 10 wire bridge connections
– Zero-balance by adding voltage to sensor
– User bridge completion cards
– Balanced differential inputs
– ± 2 mV to ± 10 V input range
– 50 V DC Isolation
– User selectable digital Bessel and FIR filters
– 1 MS/s sample rate
– 16 bit resolution
– 128 MB memory