This course provides an introduction to the physical aspects of sound and vibration phenomena, parameters used to describe them, and basic test and measurement techniques. The course will cover the correct selection and application of transducers and instrumentation. Analysis techniques including time domain as well as FFT and octave based spectrum analysis, the importance of calibration and the relationship between sound and vibration will be discussed. Basic test and measurement techniques will be described and demonstrated to show how sound and vibration theory is applied to real world measurements.
The course is directed toward engineers, technicians and managers who want to gain a better understanding of sound and vibration basics and start engineering it into their products.
Cost: $199 CAD
Earlybird price: $159 CAD (register by July 29th)
This course provides the necessary background to take advantage of the follow up course, Troubleshooting Noise and Vibration Issues – Techniques and Solutions.
Durham Instruments Head Office900 McKay Road, Unit 3
Pickering, Ontario, L1W 3X8