Fault tree analysis is one of many symbolic analytical logic techniques found in operations research, system reliability analysis, risk analysis and other disciplines. A fault tree diagram follows a top-down structure and represents a graphical model of the pathways within a system that can lead to a foreseeable, undesirable loss event (or a failure). The pathways interconnect contributory events and conditions using standard logic gates (AND, OR, etc). Analysts may wish to use fault trees in combination with reliability block diagrams for system analysis. Fault trees may also be useful for analysing the effects of individual failure modes and in conjunction with FMEA.
These presentations introduce fault tree analysis to identify the critical path, and their use in combination with reliability block diagrams to understand and improve a system, followed by their application to tens of thousands of assets for advanced reliability analysis and reliability digital twins.
Fault Tree Analysis – The critical path!
Mr. Chris Wynn-Jones, HBK | Application Engineer – Reliability
A Fault Tree is used to identify the critical path/s in a process, system or service. This introduction will focus on two different views, top down and bottom up.
Top Down
This view is read downwards, from undesirable events down to the lowest known fault/cause branch item.
All the undesirable events that can result from your Process, System or Service, are driven by something that is no longer working correctly.
Engineers use this mentality to discover weaknesses in their Process, System or Service to calculate probability of failure and occurrence.
Bottom Up
This view is read upwards, from the fault/cause up to their end effect.
All known faults/causes have an undesirable end effect on the Process, System or Service.
Using mixed modelling it is possible to combine faults/causes, build in redundancy and/or identify standbys (a mitigating action) enabling reliability and probability of failure to be calculated for known end effects.
Fault tree analysis
Mr. Sam Eisenberg, HBK | Product Manager – ReliaSoft Products
This presentation will explore how best to use fault tree analyses to uncover and surface your primary unreliability drivers in your system. We will explore the methodologies and next steps once you have identified the bad actors in your system.
Using automation to scale advanced reliability analysis and digital twins
Mr Adi Dhora, HBK | Engineering Solutions, Reliability Solutions Consultant and
Mr Eric Fritts, HBK | Engineering Solutions, Project Engineer
This presentation describes a practical approach to use automation for creating reliability models, simulations, and insights for a large number of assets. Most industries are looking to pursue more data-driven reliability practices. Most reliability practitioners highly value the insights they gain from fault tree analysis and reliability block diagrams. However, often a limiting factor is data access, quality, and personnel time to process large quantities of data. This is where automation can help to enable reliability practitioners to focus majority of their time on analysis and decisions. This presentation will showcase how best to merge automation with reliability-know-how to scale in-depth analysis like reliability predictions and event probability for tens of thousands of assets in a short timeframe.
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